• Savannah is known for its year-round festivals and events that celebrate music, food, art, and more.
  • Spring brings the famous St. Patrick's Day Parade and the Savannah Music Festival.
  • Summer heats up with events like the Savannah Gourmet Seafood & Spirits Festival and Fourth of July Fireworks on the River.
  • Fall showcases the Savannah Film Festival and Savannah Food & Wine Festival.
  • Winter offers festive events like the Boat Parade of Lights and Savannah Book Festival.

Oh, Savannah! The Hostess City of the South knows how to throw a party, and you're cordially invited to the year-round jubilee. With its cobblestone streets and weeping willows, Savannah is a postcard of Southern charm, but it's the city’s calendar of festivities that really puts it on the map. Whether you're a music aficionado, foodie, or art enthusiast, there's a festival with your name on it. Let's dive into some of the most unmissable events that are worth planning your trip around.

Spring into Festivals: Blooms and Tunes

As winter thaws and azaleas burst into color, Savannah awakens with celebrations that are as vibrant as its gardens. The perfect season to visit, spring offers mild weather and an array of events kicking off with the famous Savannah St. Patrick’s Day Parade. This green-clad spectacle is one of the largest in the country and turns the city into an emerald wonderland.

What's the highlight of Savannah's St. Patrick's Day Parade for you?

Savannah's St. Patrick's Day Parade is a kaleidoscope of color, culture, and celebration. What part of the parade experience do you look forward to the most?

Following the Irish revelry, music lovers can indulge in the Savannah Music Festival, which strikes a chord across genres from classical to jazz. Each note played is a testament to Savannah's deep-rooted appreciation for diverse melodies—a symphony for your senses.

If flora and fauna are more your speed, don't miss the Tour of Homes & Gardens in March. It gives you a peek behind those majestic facades into private oases that are typically hidden from public view.

Savannah's Finest Homes

  1. Mercer-Williams House Savannah
    The Mercer-Williams House - A brush with Southern gothic, this house is famously known for its role in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Don't miss the chance to peek into the world of Jim Williams and his iconic antique collection!
  2. Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace
    The Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace - Get inspired by the founder of the Girl Scouts as you tour her childhood home. It's a sweet treat of history and empowerment, with a dash of cookies!
  3. Owens-Thomas House Savannah
    The Owens-Thomas House - Step into a regency-era masterpiece complete with a charming English garden. This house is a real-life time capsule, and rumor has it, you might just bump into a ghost of aristocracy past!
  4. Green-Meldrim House Savannah
    The Green-Meldrim House - A stellar example of Gothic Revival architecture that once sheltered General Sherman. If walls could talk, these would have some fiery tales to tell!
  5. Davenport House Savannah
    The Davenport House - This Federal-style home is a pioneer of Savannah's historic preservation movement. It's more than just a pretty face; it's a symbol of the city's resilience and charm!
  6. Andrew Low House Savannah
    The Andrew Low House - Where the Victorian era meets Southern comfort. This abode of Juliette Gordon Low's father-in-law boasts lush furnishings and a tale of two cities: Savannah and London!

Sizzling Summer Soirees

The heat is on and so is the fun! Summer in Savannah might be hot and humid, but it doesn't stop us from throwing some of the most talked-about events. The Fourth of July fireworks over River Street are nothing short of spectacular—a true patriot’s dream against a backdrop of historic buildings.

Attendance Numbers for Summer Festivals in Savannah

For those who like their entertainment with a side of education, Juneteenth marks an important celebration of freedom and African American culture. It's not just an event; it’s an experience that weaves together performances, storytelling, and authentic cuisine.

The perfect day in Savannah might end with a summer evening at one of our open-air movie nights at Forsyth Park—bring a blanket and enjoy cinema under the stars!

Fall for Festivals: A Cornucopia of Culture

When autumn leaves start to fall, they bring with them festivals that celebrate everything from food to film. The Savannah Film Festival rolls out its red carpet to welcome both up-and-coming filmmakers as well as established Hollywood names—a cinephile’s paradise.

Savannah Film Festival: Your Ticket to the Silver Screen

What's the reel deal about the Savannah Film Festival?
The Savannah Film Festival is a cinematic celebration where both budding filmmakers and polished professionals showcase their talents. It's a week-long extravaganza of film screenings, workshops, and panels that'll have you rubbing elbows with the industry's finest. And let's not forget the glitzy red carpet events that'll make you feel like Hollywood royalty!
When does Savannah roll out the red carpet for this film fête?
Typically, the Savannah Film Festival takes the stage in late October. It's the perfect time to enjoy a bit of Southern charm with your cinema, as the city is draped in autumnal splendor. The exact dates can vary, so be sure to check the festival's official schedule before booking your trip!
Do I need to be a film buff to enjoy the festival?
Absolutely not! The Savannah Film Festival is a smorgasbord of visual delights for everyone. Whether you're a die-hard cinephile or just someone who appreciates a good popcorn flick, there's something for all tastes. Plus, the festival's workshops and talks can give you a peek behind the curtain to see how movie magic is made.
How do I score tickets to this blockbuster event?
Grabbing tickets to the Savannah Film Festival is like a Hollywood chase scene – exciting and fast-paced! Tickets go on sale in advance and can be purchased through the festival's website. You can opt for individual screenings or go all-in with a VIP pass. Just remember, these tickets are hotter than Georgia asphalt in July, so act fast!
What's the dress code for this star-studded affair?
While there's no strict dress code, the Savannah Film Festival is your chance to shine. For the opening night and other gala events, you'll want to don your best threads. Think 'Southern cocktail chic' meets 'indie film hipster'. But for daytime screenings and workshops, casual comfort is perfectly acceptable—just keep it classy!

Gastronomes can savor every moment at the Savannah Food & Wine Festival where local chefs showcase their culinary prowess paired with world-class wines. It's not just about eating; it’s about learning stories behind each dish—a gastronomic journey through Southern hospitality.

Savannah Shrimp and Grits

You will need:

  • fresh shrimpFresh shrimp
  • stone-ground gritsStone-ground grits
  • sharp cheddar cheeseSharp cheddar cheese
  • chicken brothChicken broth
  • heavy creamHeavy cream
  • slices of baconBacon
  • green onionsGreen onions
  • garlic clovesGarlic
  • butterButter
  • salt and pepperSalt and pepper
  • Cajun seasoningCajun seasoning


  1. Start by cooking the bacon until crisp and set aside.
  2. Cook grits in chicken broth and water, then stir in cheese and butter.
  3. Season shrimp with Cajun seasoning and sauté with garlic.
  4. Serve shrimp over grits and garnish with chopped bacon and green onions.


For an authentic Savannah experience, use fresh, local shrimp and stone-ground grits if available. The key to creamy grits is slow cooking and regular stirring. Adjust the thickness of the grits to your preference by adding more chicken broth or water if needed. The Cajun seasoning can be spicy, so adjust the amount according to your taste.

Cultural heritage takes center stage during Oktoberfest on River Street where German traditions blend seamlessly with Southern charm—think lederhosen meets seersucker.

Month Festival Vibe Check
March/April Savannah Music Festival 🎶 Eclectic Tunes 🎶
July Fourth of July Fireworks 🎆 Explosive Patriotism 🎆
October/November Savannah Film Festival 🎥 Cinematic Splendor 🎥
Novermber Savannah Food & Wine Festival 🍷 Gastronomic Delight 🍷

In between these landmark events are countless smaller gatherings that fill every niche interest—from book festivals to craft brew celebrations—ensuring that no matter when you visit, there will always be something stirring in this effervescent city.

To get started on planning your trip around these fabulous festivities, take our quiz to find out which season aligns best with your interests!

Discover Your Ideal Savannah Festival Season

Savannah, Georgia, is renowned for its enchanting festivals throughout the year. Whether you're a music lover, a foodie, or someone who enjoys arts and culture, there's a season in Savannah that's perfect for your interests. Take this quiz to find out which Savannah festival season you should plan your trip around!

Summer Sizzle: Savannah's Hottest Events

As the mercury rises, so does the excitement in Savannah. Summer in this Southern belle of a city is not just about sipping sweet tea on the porch. Get ready to experience a fiery mix of culture, music, and food. The Savannah Gourmet Seafood & Spirits Festival is an absolute must for foodies, where the catch of the day meets culinary expertise in a spectacular waterfront setting. But don't just take my word for it!

For those who prefer their summer with a side of artistry, the Savannah VOICE Festival showcases opera, musical theatre, and song with performances that will leave you breathless—quite literally! And if you're visiting with family, the Fourth of July fireworks on River Street are a dazzling display that lights up both the sky and the smiles of all ages.

Savannah's Summer Sizzle

  1. Savannah Seafood Festival
    Savannah Seafood Festival - Dive into the ocean's bounty at this crustacean celebration. From savory shrimp to colossal crab legs, it's a pescatarian paradise!
  2. Midsummer Arts Fete Savannah
    Midsummer Arts Fête - Where art, music, and dance collide under the Savannah sun. Stroll through outdoor galleries and be moved by street-side symphonies.
  3. Fourth of July Fireworks Savannah River
    Fourth of July Fireworks on the River - Independence Day dazzles with a pyrotechnic extravaganza over the historic Savannah River. It's America's birthday bash at its finest!
  4. Savannah Summer Opera
    Savannah Summer Opera Nights - Opera aficionados and newbies alike, revel in the soaring arias and captivating choruses at the city's grandest stages.
  5. Savannah Ghost Tours Summer
    Ghost Tours Galore - Embrace the spooky spirit of Savannah with a ghost tour. From eerie cemeteries to haunted historic homes, get ready for some supernatural storytelling!
  6. Beach Bum Parade Tybee Island
    Beach Bum Parade - Tybee Island's quirky tradition where the parade-goers get soaked. Pack your water guns and join the wet and wild fun!
  7. Savannah Craft Brew Fest
    Savannah Craft Brew Fest - Sip on the finest frothy brews that Georgia has to offer. Beer enthusiasts, this hop-pening event is for you!

Fall into Festivity: Autumn's Artistic Side

When autumn leaves start to fall, they paint Savannah in hues of orange and red that could give New England a run for its money. The perfect season to visit, fall brings with it events like the SCAD Film Festival, where cinephiles can indulge in screenings and talks by industry professionals. Imagine sitting under a canopy of russet leaves discussing films with creators and critics alike—a cineaste's dream come true!

Discover Your SCAD Film Festival Event

The SCAD Savannah Film Festival showcases cinematic creativity from award-winning professionals and emerging filmmakers. Answer these questions to find out which event at the festival aligns with your cinematic taste.

Let's not forget Halloween in Savannah—after all, it’s rumored to be one of America's most haunted cities. The annual Savannah Zombie Walk is both spine-chilling and spectacularly entertaining. If you're brave enough to join or just observe from a safe distance, it's an event that will haunt your memories—in the best way possible.

Savannah's Spirited Side: Haunted FAQs That Will Give You Goosebumps

What's the spookiest event to attend in Savannah?
If you're looking to get your spook on, Savannah's Ghost Tours are an absolute must! These eerie excursions will take you through the historic streets, regaling you with tales that will make your spine tingle. And for the bravest souls, the annual Savannah Ghost Festival is a ghastly delight, where the city's haunted history truly comes to life!
Can I meet real ghosts in Savannah?
While we can't guarantee a face-to-face encounter with a specter, Savannah's reputation as one of America's most haunted cities means you're in the right place for a ghostly meet-and-greet. Join a ghost tour or stay in one of the historic (and possibly haunted) inns for a chance to mingle with the paranormal!
Are there any haunted places open to the public in Savannah?
Absolutely! Savannah is practically a playground for the paranormal enthusiast. The Bonaventure Cemetery with its hauntingly beautiful sculptures, the Sorrel-Weed House, and the infamous Moon River Brewing Company are just a few spots where you can step into the supernatural. Just remember, you might not be alone!
Is Savannah's haunted history suitable for kids?
Fear not! Savannah's spooky side has a range of family-friendly frights. Many ghost tours tailor their tales to ensure they're just the right mix of spooky and fun for younger audiences. Plus, events like the Pumpkin Patch and Trick or Treating on River Street offer a more light-hearted take on the city's eerie ambiance.
When is the best time of year to experience Savannah's haunted history?
While you can explore Savannah's ghostly past year-round, the Halloween season is when the city truly embraces its spectral heritage. October is filled with frightful festivities, from haunted houses to ghostly galas. But don't overlook the charm of a ghost tour on a balmy summer night when the city's history seems to whisper in the warm breeze.

Winter Warmers: Cozy Up With Savannah’s Charm

The cooler months may bring shorter days but Savannah’s winter events promise to light up even the chilliest nights. The holiday season here is nothing short of magical; think twinkling lights adorning antebellum homes and historic squares filled with festive cheer. The highlight? The famous Boat Parade of Lights—a maritime twist on holiday parades where boats bedecked in their festive best cruise along the riverfront.

Boats adorned with colorful lights during Savannah Boat Parade of Lights

For those looking to ring in the New Year with Southern flair, City Market becomes party central with live music and street entertainment that’ll have you dancing into January. After all that revelry, if your New Year's resolution includes more culture, then January’s Savannah Book Festival is an event after your own heart (or should I say intellect?).

Winter Wonders in Savannah: Your Go-To Festive Frolic List

  • Bundle up in your chicest coat and coziest scarf – Savannah might be in the South, but she can throw a chilly curveball!🧣
  • Get your tickets in advance for the Savannah Book Festival – bookworms unite in the pursuit of literary delight!📚
  • Mark your calendar for the Savannah Harbor Boat Parade of Lights – it's like Mardi Gras for boats, and you're invited!🛥️
  • Prepare your taste buds for the Savannah Taste Experience – because food is the reason for the season, right?🍽️
  • Reserve a historic inn or cozy B&B early – they fill up faster than your uncle at Thanksgiving dinner!🏠
  • Pack your camera or clear your phone storage – the Instagrammable moments are endless, especially with those winter sunsets!📸
  • Brush up on your ghost stories – the Savannah Ghost Tours are spookier with a side of winter mist!👻
  • Check the weather – Savannah's winter mood swings are more unpredictable than a soap opera plotline!☀️❄️
  • Plan for some indoor attractions just in case – because sometimes the weather gods just don't cooperate.🖼️
  • Keep an eye out for special holiday shopping tours – because nothing says 'I love you' like a unique Savannah souvenir!🛍️
  • Charge your devices – you'll want to capture every second of the winter wonderland that is Savannah!🔋
  • Stay hydrated and moisturized – winter air is drier than a British comedy!💧
  • Bring a sense of adventure – Savannah's winter festivities are as enchanting as they are entertaining!🎉
Congrats, you savvy traveler! You're now fully prepped to revel in Savannah's winter wonders with the gusto of a local holiday enthusiast!

Spring into Action: Blooms, Books & More!

Ah springtime! When Mother Nature puts her painting skills on display and splashes color all over this charming city. In March, everyone's Irish during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade—one of the largest St. Paddy’s celebrations in the South! Green fountains? Check! Lively Celtic tunes? Double-check! It’s an emerald-hued extravaganza you won’t want to miss.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Savannah’s Green Milestones

First St. Patrick's Day Parade

March 17, 1824

The inaugural St. Patrick's Day Parade in Savannah set the precedent for what has become one of the largest and most celebrated parades in honor of St. Patrick in the United States.

Introduction of Green Fountains

March 17, 1984

Savannah started the tradition of dyeing its fountains green, which has since become a signature spectacle of the city's St. Patrick's Day festivities.

Record-Breaking Attendance

March 17, 1991

The parade saw a record-breaking attendance with over 300,000 people lining the streets to celebrate, solidifying the event's status as a major tourist attraction.

The Year of the Irish Economy

March 17, 1997

This year's parade was dedicated to Ireland's booming economy, known as the 'Celtic Tiger,' showcasing the prosperity and cultural pride of the Irish.

25th Anniversary of Green Fountains

March 17, 2009

Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the green fountains, Savannah's St. Patrick's Day Parade featured an expanded route and special commemorative events.

Virtual Parade due to COVID-19

March 17, 2020

For the first time in its history, the parade was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, showcasing the resilience and adaptability of the Savannah community.

Return to In-Person Celebrations

March 17, 2022

After a year of virtual celebration, the St. Patrick's Day Parade returned to the streets of Savannah with renewed vigor and joy, welcoming back locals and visitors alike.

The fun doesn’t stop there; literary lovers flock to the annual Savannah Book Festival where authors mingle with fans against a backdrop blooming azaleas. And for those who appreciate beauty beyond words—the Sidewalk Arts Festival transforms Forsyth Park into an open-air gallery under a canopy of Spanish moss-laden oaks.

Visitor Satisfaction Rates for Spring Events in Savannah

In conclusion—oh wait, scratch that; let's end this Southern soirée without clichés—whether you're drawn by ghostly tales or gastronomic trails (see what I did there?), planning your trip around these seasonal spectacles ensures you'll capture the heart and soul of Savannah at its celebratory best!

Jackson Turner
Food Critique, Travel, Southern Cuisine, Storytelling

Jackson Turner is a professional food critic and travel writer who has lived in Savannah for over a decade. He has a keen palate for Southern cuisine and a knack for finding the best local eateries. His articles often delve into the stories behind the dishes, making them a feast for both the stomach and the mind.

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